Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Shih-tzu

Another Shih-tzu painting. I don't know much about Shih-tzu-s but they appear to be popular and they seem to be happy dogs. Small 5 x 5 inch painting and will be available for purchase.
$40.00 + s/h.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


5 x 5 inches, Oil on board
Spring is definitely turning into Summer quick. I love this time of year, it's just hot enough but not uncomfortable. I visited an old friend today. I used to live near her so it was nice to drive by my old home which hadn't changed in the six years since I've moved away. We talked for about two hours trying to fill the hours with all that has been happening in these past couple of years. Things change, things don't change; children grow older and away, new pets, pets we miss, pounds ganined and lost, new diets that work and haven't, so much to say and too little time.
I must not let too much time before we get together again.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cherry Blossom Skies

"Cherry Blossom Skies"
8 x 10 inches on Raymar Board
Last month when I visited Nancy Medina at Artscape at the Arboretum the cherry blossoms were magnificent! So I stood under a Cherry tree and took a photo looking up into the branches.
There's something very nostalgic about Cherry blossoms; it reminds me of my childhood growing up in Japan.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


20 x 20 x 1.5 inches, Oil on Canvas
My friend, Sandy was visiting last week and from her seat she can look into my painting room where this painting was sitting on an easel. She wanted to look at it closer so she walked into the room and then walked back to her seat and looked at it...and she said, how interesting that from here I can tell that you've painted irises but when you go close to it you see colors and don't really see the irises. And in Monet's way of saying, it's my "impression" of irises...
If you believe, these are irises....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pugster, Puggley, Pugs, Pugs and More Pugs

5 x 5 inches, Oil on Board
Email me for availability : )
I made a little mistake on calculating dates when I took my paintings to be displayed at the Book Carriage in Roanoke, TX. I thought the display would be up for just one month from the 15th to the 15th. That would work well with the New Vintage Exhibit I was going to participating in...but when I read the contract, the display was for 2 months. I'd take most of my pet portraits and I did want to showcase last week before the New Vintage I did the English bulldog and this little pug. I like painting both types of dogs for their expressiveness.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Grapevine New Vintage Wine and Art Trail

I'm resting today...I must sound like a wimp, but yesterday I was on my feet during the New Vintage Wine and Art Trail exhibit. Oh, but it was a great success and so much fun!! Although the day started a little gloomy, it was a warm day. Sorry Saundra but as you can see from the photo - I'm already in sleeveless dress and sandals...(Saundra mentioned in her comment that she woke up to snow.)

I was really happy that so many fellow artists and friends stopped by to say "hi". Their support sparks my enthusiasm and inspiration.

Here's a photo of an artist friend, Randy Saffle who stopped by to say to "Hi" me and Barbara Woods, my painting buddy who also exhibited.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picture Frames

Thank you for your lovely comments!! Here is a photo of the painting of "San Bagio" with the monster frame. It really "dresses it up" when initially I thought the frame much too large for anything. I ordered the frames from Picture Frames. Click on their Outlet Shop and look for Magnificent Minis (it might be Mag Mini). You can buy 3 for $39.00/4 for $48.00 etc. It's like an easter egg hunt; you won't know what you're getting - just a warning - but if you do little paintings like I do - it's fun and very worth it.

English Bulldog

"English Bull"
5 x 5 inches, Oil on Board
I've been getting ready for Saturday's exhibit at Grapevine's Palace Theater. I love putting paintings into frames. Some frames really make paintings come alive! I had ordered a bunch of 5 x 5 inch frames from an online company which sells beautiful pre-made frames made from their "left overs" - so you don't get to chose what you get - it's like opening a Christmas present. One of these frames was a super wide one, almost 6 inches with the opening for a 5 x 5 painting. I'm calling it the monster frame. Well whaddya know - the last painting I did, San Biagio, looks like a jewel in it!
So, it's been Happy Framing these past few days.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

San Biagio - SOLD

"San Biagio"
5 x 5 inches on Board
This is such a beautiful church near Montepulciano, Tuscany, Italy. As you drive from Pienza to Chiusi the church is hidden until one last bend in the road when it shines and looks white. This church appears for just a few seconds in the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun".
My computer was out of commission for part of last week. I'm slowly re-installing programs...I had to reformat my hard disk and lost a few much for modern life.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Need An Angel and the Lemonade Award

"Angel Dreams"

6 x 8 inches, Oil on Board

I haven't been posting much lately because of little missteps, flubs, doing busy stuff unrealted to art...I don't know about you but I get a little antsy when I am not creating something. I'd painted an angel like this before but since this is the way I'm feeling - my angel must be napping and taking a little time off - I guess it's appropriate.

The other day I received the Lemonade Award from Saundra Galloway. It sounds like a perfect award as I was making lemonades out of lemons, scaping and re-painting.

A Lemonade Award is given to bloggers that show a positive attitude and gratitude. It also exemplifies people who have a willingness to share their ideas, support and online friendship.

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 7 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
The following 7 blogs exemplify to me what this award is for. I invite you to check each one of these wonderful artist blogs and see for yourself why I believe they "fit" this award so well...

Laurie Pace

Melissa Langer

Nancy Medina

Sheila Tajima

Alex Perez

Linda Blondheim

Manon Doyle

Lori Simons

It's Monday - I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a wonderful week ahead!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sometimes I am such a Goof-Ball

I pushed "publish post" when I meant only to save yesterday's post. Imagine my surpise when I check my emails and I find there are a number of comments to moderate!!

Well I am supposed to give the passionate award to other artists I think are very passionate about art.

If you will look to the right you will see the artists whose links are listed, I think are passionate about ART. If you are reading this blog, I feel you must be passionate about ART. If you've left me a comment in the past - I know you're passionate.

Thank you to all of you who've visited my blog!!

Big Hugs!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Awards and Passion

I met Angela Elledge at Artscape at the Dallas Arboretum this past week. What a thrill and surprise that she gave me the Passion for Painting award - the rules are that I'm to write about 7 things I'm passionate about.

I'm passionate about so many thing so it's hard to say this or that specific things so here's a few in no particular order:

1) I'm passionate about painting
2) My pointer sisters
3) My man
4) My perfume...I tend to spritz too much...
5) My "free" time when I'm alone and have not a thing to do...
6) My friends - where would we be without friends, acquaintances, people we love and love us?
7) Art in general - look talking about art with others, looking at it, dreaming about it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sometimes a Little Rain Must Fall

So last week's scrape painting has turned into this. I haven't titled it yet but the scene is from a Chinese cinema I watched a couple of years ago called "A Long Road Home" (I think - if memory hasn't faded completely).

I only have a minute to write today - a friend from my high school is coming for a week's visit and I've got to go to the airport to pick her up. On Saturday I'll be inviting some of my high school alumni living in the DFW area to come to my house and meet her and have a little mini-Zama High School reunion. This is so incredible that we still keep in touch and that I've found a few of my alums in the area. Zama High School is a Department of Defense school at Camp Zama, Japan....yessssss, waaaaay over there!! I have a couple of artist friends who visit and link with my blog who also went to my high school, Sheila Tajima and Hellenne Vermillion. The world is certainly a small place!
Go - Trojans!