Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picture Frames

Thank you for your lovely comments!! Here is a photo of the painting of "San Bagio" with the monster frame. It really "dresses it up" when initially I thought the frame much too large for anything. I ordered the frames from Picture Frames. Click on their Outlet Shop and look for Magnificent Minis (it might be Mag Mini). You can buy 3 for $39.00/4 for $48.00 etc. It's like an easter egg hunt; you won't know what you're getting - just a warning - but if you do little paintings like I do - it's fun and very worth it.


Unknown said...

This one is a beauty Judy (hey that rhymes!). I have had good luck with their minis, except last time I ordered I got ALL DUDS! I think it was frame karma, since I made out like a bandit the first couple of times.

JudyMackeyart said...

I know - when I opened the box and got this one - monster - I thought OH NO!! But hey, it seems to work for this painting...always worried when I do open the box for their selection.

You're a poet but didn't know it...
rhymes too : )

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

This looks wonderful in the frame as well as out Judy! Interesting about the frames...I'll have to take a look...You and Nancy gave me a laugh this a.m...thanks girls...I woke up to 18" of snow and more to come...whew...

JudyMackeyart said...

OMG Saundra - snow....
While it looks pretty when it softly falls - I can only take snow a couple of times a year and for it to last only a day or so...

I just like warmer weather and open toed shoes : )


Archie and Melissa said...

oh my gosh!
it is a masterpiece!

thank you for the link!


Caroline said...

Hello Judy - I've just discovered your blog! Lovely work - so colourful and full of texture - I'll be back again to see what you're up to!

r garriott said...

Given the subject matter, I think the frame works very well here! Really nice painting, too.

JudyMackeyart said...

Melissa - thank you for your support!
Hi Caroline - thank you for visiting,
R - I think the frame enhanced the painting too...although when I first looked at the frame I was uncertain. Thank you.
