Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rhapsody - A Painting of Little White Flowers

6 x 6 inches, Oil on board
Palette knife
I'm happy these days.
Just plain, silly, giddy, joyfully happy. Ok, so they've discontinued my favorite perfume...big deal. It's raining outside; we need it. I have to postpone a trip to a friend's house because of scheduling conflict; my friend said - not a problem, so that's working out. I think it's attitude, don't you?
Little white flowers make me happy too. This photo of the painting came out a little darker but maybe it's my monitor. Hmmm it's almost like the song, "My favorite things" from Mary Poppins? These are a few of my favorite things...


Nancy Standlee said...

Like the painting and now I want to know what WAS your favorite perfume? I love all kinds..

carrie jacobson said...

Hey, Judy, so glad to see you so happy! And to see your happy, smiling painting, too. I guess the only thing good about not being so happy all the time is that we sure appreciate it when that sunlight visits. Lovely piece.

And yes, what WAS your favorite perfume?

JudyMackeyart said...

Carrie you're so right!! If it weren't for the rain - we'd not appreciate the sunlight!!

Nancy, Carrie - the elusive and discontinued perfume is called 'Fendi for Women' by Fendi.



Art with Liz said...

Lovely painting to go with a lovely post Judy.